Crash The film Crash that tell stories that present a common trace what remit us to prejudice against color discrimination attached the color and ethnic group. The film portrays various contexts that present the two sides. One of the points that more call us attention, it was about the doorman, who was discriminated, by own client by the fact he has tattooing and the mod how he was dressed. Another strong scene was of about black who is boarded for a police officer and one of them molest the woman. Later, she suffers an accident, where the proper police officer who molested, save her. Crash, shows the lives of the ones who suffer prejudice and discrimination of all types. Despite contains a lot of violent scenes; it is courageous and tells till the point which a human being can reach.
• Review “Crash” Crash is a film that contain many stories related to violence, abuse of power, racism. A point positive of the film is the one which demonstrates the way who people are sight and treated too. The part of film that more call the attention of the group was when there is an assault. Protagonists Brendan Fraser and Sandra Bullock, are assaulted by two young black, that carry their car, then the police persecutes the thieves deceives about a couple, that have an equal car. the police persecute this couple and stop then the police, personage (of actor) of Matt Dillon ,abuse of his power as an authority and caress the wife of man in this scene we note that they were victim of prejudice • The film is interesting for that people can comprehend it and also have a critic sense, since discriminate on is somewhat still is present in the so city, and this film is a form people have awareness, since the scenes of the film are touching. In the opinion of the group this film shows the reality present nowadays about the racism, somewhat much dreary see.